Empower. Transform. Elevate.

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Do you feel like your soul is calling you to do something “more” with your life and your gifts? Have you always wanted to help others somehow, you know that it brings you so much fulfillment, but you don’t quite know how to intertwine it into your life?

I felt like that for so long! I knew I wanted to be a teacher, but when everyone said “You Can’t,” I ended up following the “right path” instead - got a degree in physics, went to law school, and got a well paying job.

Somehow, even though life should have been dandy, I kept feeling that same nudge from when I was a child. Something inside told me I should be helping, I should be changing people’s lives, making a greater impact.

I didn’t know it at the time, but that inner voice was my intuition. After one of my dear friends passed away at just 34 years old, I knew things had to change. I knew I had to start living the life I was meant for.

That’s when I started on an amazing soul journey, learning reiki, becoming a yoga and meditation teacher, growing my practice. It was as if a door to my soul suddenly opened up and I had to learn and do everything I could about it.

If you are feeling that call - the call to dive into your soul, to heal and uplift yourself and others, to learn real tools that actually work, and to step up as a healer, leader, or visionary in your own unique way - then I am 100% ready to guide you on your heartspace journey!

Working with Christina changed my life! I had been hiding at home for almost a year, fearful of the world outside. After just one session with her, I felt brave enough to hop on a plane!

After 6 months with her, I feel so powerful! I know I am fully capable of treating any chronic pain I experience. I even started my own Reiki practice and have been invited to be a guest speaker at multiple events. If you’re ready to elevate your life and heal your soul, I recommend you call Christina!

~Keisha C.


When I first started this journey, people mostly came to me to heal their physical body.

As time went by, I started seeing that what people deeply longed for was soul discovery and growth, to get out of the endless cycle of thoughts and mind traps.

So, I started shifting my work to help people peel off the layers of ego and start discovering an incredible power asleep within their hearts.

That's what I'm here for, that's why I do this.  To WAKE UP the sleeping light within you, to help you transform from heavy to light, scared to courageous, stuck to free, and helpless to confident.

It has been incredible to watch my clients step up as true healers, leaders, and visionaries in their own fields and in their own special ways.

My question to you is… are you ready?

Are you ready to shed all the fears, blocks, mind traps, trauma, and conditioning that is stopping you from living your joyfully soul aligned life?

Are you ready to stop sabotaging your self, to get a little uncomfortable, to open your eyes and see how powerful you truly are?

It’s ok if you are scared or hesitant, let’s start with baby steps and before you know it, you will start shining and illuminating every space you are in, without even knowing it!

Here are my favorite techniques that I’d like to teach you:

  • Traditional Yogic Practices (breathwork, meditation, evolutionary movement, mantras)

  • Jyotish Astrology (from India)

  • Reiki (the universal energy of love)

  • Intuitive Healing

  • and mindset transformation/ego busting/wisdom exchange

Let’s Work Together!

If you’re seeking deep and lasting transformation

If you’re in need of personalized whole being healing

If you want to learn all the secrets of the Soul and feel called to be a healer

Follow the Journey