How Often Do You Put On a Show?


Do you ever find yourself putting on your best face, just so people will approve of you or think you’re different from you who really are?

Maybe you feel the need to prove to the world that you’re really that awesome, by winning accolades or having flashy items or the most followers.

It seems logical to be on your "best behavior" in public - why wouldn’t you want the outside world to see your best side only? My baby does it and he's not even 2 yet! 

The problem starts when you put on a show so often that you start forgetting who you really are. You even start acting the “role” at home and feel pressure if anyone sees you for who you really are. Or worse, you start thinking the role you play is actually you! 

Soon enough, putting on this constant show for society starts putting a damper on your happiness. It’s exhausting to hide your real emotions, to pretend you’re someone you’re not. Maybe you shove your real dreams to the side because it's not something the society will approve of. Maybe you are embarrassed when someone catches you with all your raw emotions.  I can’t tell you how many students I’ve had that start tearing up about a traumatic event in their life that comes up in our sessions and apologize so profusely for being human, for having a heart and feelings!

The real question is: What do you think of yourself? Who do you actually think you are?

When you’re filled with self love (not egotism, but a humble knowledge that your soul is more deeply powerful and wise than your physical, flawed human body could ever project), the need for pageantry starts to fall away. The need for people to approve of you dissolves into the air and you’re left with your authentic self in all it’s beauty and glory.


How to Love Your Belly


How Open is Your Heart?