What would it be like to understand your partner at a soul level, beyond the shallow, without going around in endless communication circles?
Do you wish you could ignite the electricity between you and your partner?
Do you feel like you walk by your partner without really seeing him/her?
Do you want to enhance your communication skills in a completely unique way from what you’re used to?
Workshop activities include:
Couples massage techniques
Rekindle your deep soul connection
Transform your relationship mindset
How to bring your best self to your relationship
Partner meditation
From the start, my husband and I had an amazing connection… until our baby came along. Then the sleepless nights and loud demands, while we both continued working full time, became draining and overwhelming. We both did what we could to simply survive, which meant we physically saw each other regularly, but soulfully acknowledged each other 1% of that time.
“ There was only so much time we could operate in survival mode until our relationship reached a boiling point. Thankfully, we were able to bring in soulful practices to recharge our relationship before it was too late.”
That’s why I created this workshop for you - so you can prevent breakdown in your relationship too! This workshop is full of powerful and meaningful ways to rekindle the deep, soulful connection that you’ve been craving. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised by the boost of electricity this workshop will generate between you and your partner!