Intuitive Mastery

Calling in Your Highest Self!

Do you know what your Intuition sounds like?

The trick is, the intuitive voice is (usually) super subtle, gentle, quiet, never forceful.

Basically, the opposite of the ego’s voice.

Do you know that you might be blocking your intuition with your ego?

To me, your intuition is the voice of your higher self.

It’s always there, waiting for you to listen, so that it can guide you in the right direction.

The question is… are you giving yourself the space to listen and hear?

This VIP Day is for you if:

  • You are tired of listening to everyone’s voice but your own

  • You get glimmers of your intuitive voice and want to employ it more in your daily life

  • You want clarity in how to press forward in life

  • You want to quit blocking your intuition

  • You want to know how to open up your intuition and keep it going strong

  • You get “messages” but aren’t quite sure how to interpret them

  • You are a little frightened of your intuition but also know it’s important somehow

Here’s the big secret:

We all have the ability to access Intuition. It doesn’t have to be scary or weird or something from the movies. I’ll show you how to safely and gently get intuitive feedback and strengthen the connection you already have.

What We Will Cover:

  • Ways to receive intuitive feedback

  • Detailed steps for opening up your third eye

  • Ways you block your intuition or make it overactive

  • Tricks to maintaining a strong intuition, including surrendering control

  • What it feels like for your intuition to turn on

  • How to tell the difference between your intuitive voice and your ego

  • Understanding messages and their meanings

  • Breathwork to blast open your third eye (in a grounded way)

  • Practice receiving messages

  • Visualization for tuning in

Hi! I’m Christina!

I was so skeptical about my intuition when I first started my journey.

Honestly, I don’t think I even knew what “intuition” was for the first 34 years of my life. No one ever talked about it or mentioned it, so how could I?

I was so closed off emotionally (you’ll learn in the class that emotions are the first fundamental intuitive sense), that it took me a good bit of time before I could finally “sense” what feedback I was getting.

Once I started opening up, wow! The signs and messages really started flooding in.

In the last few years, my intuition has been my greatest guide and source of confidence in leading my life. It’s incredible how pieces in life can harmoniously come together when you listen to your intuition!

You have the ability to tap into your intuition too. I hope you’ll join me on Oct 14 to find out how!

Investment: $165!

Intuitive Mastery is only $165 for 5 hours of transformative soul awakening!


This event will be offered in person and virtually!

Saturday Oct 14, 10am-3pm

Lunch is included (if you are coming in person)