Are you ready to feel more balanced, empowered, and intentional in your life?

It’s time to Start Living Your Heartspace Life!

  • Do you feel like you’re stumbling blindly through life and spending most of your time trying to stay afloat amidst life’s challenges?

  • Are you tired of living your life by someone else’s vision?

  • Are you tired of the endless ups and downs and feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted?

I know how you feel, I’ve been there myself! I used to follow all the right rules and steps to “making it” in society. I got a degree in physics, went to law school, interned at a firm in downtown L.A., but instead of being successful, I ended up with an eating disorder, insanely low self esteem, and despondent about the future. 

My struggles got so deep, I started questioning all the decisions I was making and the beliefs I was living by. I started searching for that deeper purpose that didn’t come from society, but rather from my heart. I started seeking wellness and healing practices that allowed me to connect deeper to my intention for this life.

Then I started doing something scary... I started making huge life decisions from my newfound heartspace rather than my logical brain. I listened to the signs instead of battling against them. That’s when life started to unfolding in incredibly synchronistic ways. 

This is exactly what I want for you to experience for yourself! To experience more serenity.To have true clarity. To feel love and worthiness. To live with more purpose. This is why I designed this course for YOU. 

This is what I want for you. I want you to feel



I want for you to feel serenity, clarity, and deeply worthy. This is why I designed this course for YOU. 

I’ve been practicing these special techniques and teaching them to my students with amazing results for years, but now they are available in one comprehensive place with a detailed roadmap toward transformation.

Are you ready to take the next step in your life towards your heartspace life?

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All videos and 3 mentorship sessions

Pay In Full: $385

Payment Plan: $135/month (3 months)