Did You Know You Can Regain Balance Through Practice?

There's a part of your brain that is specifically assigned to body awareness. It's called the homunculus and it holds a map to every part of your body. The trick is that one third of your homunculus is assigned to the hands, another third is assigned to the face, and the last third is assigned to your body! If you think about how many parts of your body there are relative to your hands and face, you'll see that this is not a lot of mapping in comparison.  

So what does all this science mumbo jumbo mean? It means that our brain gets VERY easily confused or even forgetful about certain body parts if we don't regularly bring our attention to them. An example is our feet. First of all, our feet are furthest away from our brain. Second, we don't typically think of our feet often (unless you wear uncomfortable shoes a lot). When was the last time you thought of your big toe mound? Do you even know what your big toe mound is? So what ends up happening as we age is we get more and more disconnected to our feet and our balance gets thrown off!  

The good news is, like most aspects of the brain thankfully, we can rebuild our homunculus's mapping to our feet in a fairly simple way - by regularly practicing balancing poses, or even just taking a few moments throughout the day to notice how your feet feel, or by intentionally scraping them on the floor a little! Just taking a little time to RECONNECT.

Turns out answers to physical issues that we think are impossible or helpless actually are a lot more simple and accessible than we realize. If you would like to know some balancing poses you can try out, feel free to contact me!


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